With the sun coming out and our regular season starting in April, now is the perfect time to get outside and hit the wall to improve your stick skills!
To make it fun and rewarding for the kids, AYL is hosting a Wall Ball Challenge where you can earn prizes the more you do.
Don’t worry; you are not competing against club players for “first place”; you are only competing against yourself.
Send in video submissions of your player completing each level outlined below.
K-4th grades may do partner passing or use the wall/bounce-back.
5th-8th grades MUST use the wall or bounce back. You can practice with a partner but the video submission must be off a wall or bounce back.
The challenges get more difficult as you go, but the prizes get better!
Stick with it, it doesn’t have to be perfect on the first try! Once you feel comfortable with a level, video yourself and email it to AYLWallBallChallenge@gmail.com. If the clip is too large, then you can upload it to YouTube and email us the private link.
- Level 1 - AYL Pen and Stickers
- Level 2 - AYL Keychain
- Level 3 - AYL Waterbottle
- Level 4 - AYL Drawstring Bag
The AYL Wall Ball Challenge is sponsored by The Pareene Group, a local realty group based in Ashland and serving all of Metro West and beyond. Thank you, Dan and Nathalie, for supporting Ashland Youth Lacrosse!

Requirements per Grade
Level 1
- 5 catches in a row in any hand
Level 2
- 10 catches in a row in any hand
Level 3
- 5 catches right
- 5 catches left
- 5 catch right, switch, throw left
- 5 catch left, switch, throw right
- 2 drops allowed for each requirement
Level 4
- 20 catches right
- 20 catches left
- All under 3 minutes
- Unlimited drops!
Level 1
- 15 catches in a row in any hand
Level 2
- 20 catches right
- 20 catches left
- All under 2 minutes
- Unlimited drops!
Level 3
- 10 catches right
- 10 catches left
- 10 catch right, switch, throw left
- 10 catch left, switch, throw right
- 3 drops allowed for each requirement
Level 4
- 20 catches right
- 20 catches left
- 30 catch, switch, throw (alternating hands)
- 15 face dodge, throw, catch (strong hand)
Level 1
- 10 catches right
- 10 catches left
- All in a row, no drops
Level 2
- 30 catches right
- 30 catches left
- All under 2 minutes
- Unlimited drops!
Level 3
- 20 catches right
- 20 catches left
- 30 catch, switch, throw (alternating hands)
- 15 face dodge, throw, catch (strong hand)
- All under 4 minutes
- Unlimited drops!
Level 4
- 25 catch, cradle, throw right
- 25 catch, cradle, throw left
- 25 quick stick right
- 25 quick stick left
- 25 catch, switch, throw (alternating hands)
- All under 4 minutes
- Unlimited drops!
Level 1
- 20 catches right
- 20 catches left
- All in a row, no drops
Level 2
- 50 catches right
- 50 catches left
- All under 2 minutes
- Unlimited drops!
Level 3
- 25 catches right
- 25 catches left
- 25 catch right, switch, throw left
- 25 catch left, switch, throw right
- 25 quick stick right
- 25 quick stick left
- 15 face dodge, throw, catch (strong hand)
- All under 5 minutes
- Unlimited drops!
Level 4
- 35 catch, cradle, throw right
- 35 catch, cradle, throw left
- 35 quick stick right
- 35 quick stick left
- 35 catch, switch, throw (alternating hands)
- All under 4 minutes
- Unlimited drops!
Level 1
- 30 catches right
- 30 catches left
- All in a row, no drops
Level 2
- 75 catches right
- 75 catches left
- All under 2 minutes
- Unlimited drops!
Level 3
- 25 catches right
- 25 catches left
- 25 catch right, switch, throw left
- 25 catch left, switch, throw right
- 25 quick stick right
- 25 quick stick left
- 15 face dodge, throw, catch (strong hand)
- All under 5 minutes
- Unlimited drops!
Level 4
- 35 catch, cradle, throw right
- 35 catch, cradle, throw left
- 35 quick stick right
- 35 quick stick left
- 35 catch, switch, throw (alternating hands)
- All under 4 minutes
- Unlimited drops!