Equipment: Stick, helmet, gloves, shoulder pads, elbow pads, cleats, mouth guard, athletic cup.
Practice: 1 x per week, typically on Tuesday or Thursday, based on coaches’ availability.
Games: No official games are scheduled, but may plan scrimmages against nearby towns if the players are ready.
Note: Loaner equipment is available on a first-come-first-served basis. If purchasing your own equipment, starter kits are available from most retailers at a reduced price. A good stick is most important, but otherwise gently used equipment is also a good option for this age group.
Classic teams participate in the recreational league organized by MYL. Games are played against nearby towns. While we encourage our players to play to win, official scores are not kept by the league and we aim for equal playing time.
Equipment: Stick, helmet, gloves, shoulder pads, elbow pads, cleats, mouth guard, athletic cup.
Practice: 2 x per week, typically on Tuesday and Thursday, based on coaches’ availability.
Games: Always on Sundays, times vary from morning to late afternoon, and sometimes evening.
Note: Returning 1st graders have the option to repeat K/1 or move up to the 1/2 travel team.
Classic teams participate in the recreational league organized by MYL. Games are played against nearby towns. While we encourage our players to play to win, official scores are not kept by the league and we aim for equal playing time.
Note: An additional, more competitive Select league is also offered by MYL for those seeking the next level of play (see below).
Equipment: Stick, helmet, gloves, shoulder pads, elbow pads, cleats, mouth guard, athletic cup.
Practice: 2 x per week, typically on Tuesday and Thursday, based on coaches’ availability.
Games: Always on Sundays, times vary from morning to late afternoon, and sometimes evening.
Select is an additional MYL league that is more competitive than Classic. Scores are kept and the season ends in playoffs. Anyone chosen to play Select MUST also play on their Classic team as well. If accepted to play, additional cost may be required.
Tryouts: Due to the competitive nature of the league, tryouts may be required. We may also need to combine with another town. Tryouts are typically held indoors in March.
Practices: There may be an additional practice 1 night a week based on field, coach, and player availability.
Games: Typically on Friday nights, but occasionally there could be a game on Saturday morning based on home field availability.